Alerts and reminders
As the name suggests, the goal of this function is to alert the user of scheduled dates and events related to conduct and maintenance of vehicles and other objects.
The alerts can be saved into a database, sent out as text messages or emails, or they can alert operators of dispatching centers with a sound.
Records of these alerts and reminders can serve as a basis for creating various reports.
Examples of some useful types of notifications:
- vehicle inspection dates
- start and end of a ride, with a display on a map
- overspeeding, with a display on a map
- entering, leaving and driving through a defined area
- crossing state borders
- movement of a vehicle outside its specified working times
- error in authorization of the driver
- lost communication with the unit
- crew emergency
- disconnection of the vehicle battery
- aggressive acceleration, turning or breaking /coming soon/
- exceeding temperature, light or atmospheric pressure
Example of an email alert: “The unit started to move”
Example of an email alert: “The unit stopped”
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- 30% off the price of gpsMonitor
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price: 9,99€
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